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Twelve Years


A solo (or more) hex / dungeon crawl roleplaying game handcrafted by Max Moon!

This is a curated item, sourced from its original creators,
and is distributed directly by L.F. OSR
(these items are not crafted by L.F. OSR)

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This item Includes Digital Versions
This is a Curated item, sourced directly from the creator

Twelve Years pairs overland exploration and dungeon crawling by alternating between two game modes along your quest: Hexploring & Delving.  You will assemble a party of adventurer’s and send them off to their certain doom in an attempt to save the world from the wrath of the Lich King.  As the party traverses the wilderness, the world is randomly generated and explored with a variety of terrain and encounters.  Beware the fascinating draw of the Fae as one may easily become lost and find that years have passed in what seems to have been merely a day.

The quest for loot, and more specifically a crown, will certainly drive any party Delving underground to explore the strange entrances that occasionally are uncovered above.  When Delving, the party will also explore randomly generated dungeons ranging form claustrophobic single rooms to sprawling cavernous complexes with multiple levels.  Delving brings a greater chance of reward than Hexploring but also far more danger.

As failed parties parties perish, take the time you have left to assemble a new party to try again. You have 12 years until the Lich King burns the known world.  Can you or anyone you know complete the coronation ritual and appease him?  Better yet, destroy him once and for all?

  • 44 pages printed on 105 gsm paper with
  • Handprinted metallic green ink on black cardstock covers
  • Saddle-stitched with metallic green staples
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