Woodfall is an OSR oriented dark fantasy mini setting by Lazy Litch featuring a hexcrawl overview that’s easily plugged into just about any fantasy setting. Originally released in 2018 and fully backed on Kickstarter, Woodfall was Lazy Litch’s first crowd funded campaign ran completely by himself. Since the release of Woodfall, Lazy Litch has gone on to release another full crowdfunded book, Willow, and currently has even more in the works. We’re going to take a moment to highlight this older work however, touch on some of the sections we found most interesting, and have a short Q&A with Lazy Litch himself! Oh, did we mention, Woodfall might be getting a major update for a new release? More on that below!
Although Woodfall is a few years old now, there’s certainly still tons of valuable information and gamable content within its pages. You’ll find an in depth description of the town of Woodfall, it’s history, its inhabitants, their relationships with each other, and much more. All this setting content is complimented by a suite of unique monsters, magic items, and potential plot hooks.
Lazy Litch has spoiled readers with a large amount of artwork, with at least one captivating illustration on each spread. The art style does a great job complimenting the grim-fantasy setting as a whole and of course, Lazy Litch’s original illustrations are always mesmerizing with his unique twist on fairy-tale-esque subjects. Expect to be drawn in by the great detail work, creative use of negative space, and unique shading styles throughout the book.

One thing in particular that we found especially captivating is the time Lazy Litch takes to describe the numerous groups that operate in Woodfall, or just outside the town in the surrounding swamps. The in-setting explanation of Woodfall’s conception allows for a large, diverse cast of characters and factions to exist together in one micro-setting. None of these groups are simply stagnant however, as they all interact with each other and have developed established relationships throughout the history of Woodfall. In our opinion, this creates a setting that truly feels alive, and one that operates on the fringes of normal society.
Woodfall offers a fully fleshed out economy as well, complemented with material lists for players to gather components used for trading, creating unique items, or experimenting with. Many of these materials are only obtainable through wandering the extremely dangerous swamps that Woodfall is built upon, where players will encounter unique monsters and sinister factions.

The last aspect we really enjoyed about Woodfall was the constant threat of multiple events that have the potential to occur if the player does or does not interact with the setting in certain ways. These interactions have meaningful outcomes directly tied to the town of Woodfall and truly gives players a sense of shaping the future of this town they’ve experienced. As a result, they’ll meet resistance on multiple fronts, and create new alliances with some curious characters.
Now onto something special, a small Q&A interview with the creator of Woodfall and Willow, Lazy Litch!
Q: How did you get started in the roleplaying game industry?
A: I had been interested in retro clones for a few years, and noticed some people were doing OSR Kickstarters. I was in a unique position because I already was a DM and an artist, and had some basic graphic design skills. So I decided to go all in and try to make a book. I just copied how other people ran their Kickstarter campaigns and learned layout as I needed to during the project. I feel very lucky that so many people gave me a chance and supported me on my first project.
Q: Did you plan on crowdfunding Woodfall from the start?
A: Yes I first researched Kickstarter, and then decided on doing an OSR book, then a setting, than a system agnostic one and then a settlement. Later I added the surrounding swamp.
Q: So Woodfall originally released in 2018, but when did you originally start working on the project?
A: I started researching how to do Kickstarters and if it was viable 6 months beforehand and then started making artwork and ideas casually 5 months before launching.
Q: What were some of the influences for Woodfall?
A: The biggest influence for the tone is my favorite video game “The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask” and the project also borrows its name from a swamp in that game. It also features a magic mask merchant which is stolen directly from that game. I took influences from some contemporary political groups and events, but mostly from old European history, such as : the German peasants war, the Anabaptist’s, the diggers (of the 1600’s), the free miners in the forest of Dean, the history of the witch trails in Europe and history of squatting in the middle ages in Europe ( Tŷ unnos ). Jeff Agala’s artwork was also an influence. Then also a wide range of OSR and TSR products. I also took inspiration from some Irish mythology and folk tales for some creatures and groups. Jacobs hot springs islands inspired me to include flora.
Q: Your art style is very unique – what are some of your influences and what tools do you use for your artwork?
A: Thanks! I am influenced by Larry Elmore, Jeff Easley and Tim Truman, Andrew j walters , Erol Otus, Kentaro Miura, Tsutomu Nihei, Gustave Doré and Arthur Rackham. I use pens, brushes and ink, but I also do further digital editing and sometimes work entirely digitally. I use Linux and so I use GIMP, Inkscape, Scribus and Blender etc for digital art. I’m grateful all these great free tools exist.
Q: What about OSR style roleplaying content specifically appeals to you?
A: The play-style and procedures available for DM’s but also the decentralized nature of it. To me it feels like in the OSR we can time travel and go back and explore infinite alternative dimensions early role playing games could have gone in. I also love how OSR rule systems are not finely tuned at all, so you can easily break them apart and modulate rules without breaking the game. I am also really interested in the focus on functional game design with layout, generators and procedures in the books – its kind of surprising nearly that role-playing games existed for so long in the two column format they did were their was little gamble info on any given page. I love the pluralism and DIY nature.
Q: What are some other OSR products and / or creators that you really enjoy?
A: Everything by Melsonian Arts Council, Necrotic Gnome , Cavegirl , Mothership, Basic Fantasy for the community and accessibility, the Black Hack for being one of the first to popularize rules light systems, Diogo Nogueira, Mottokrosh, the Hydra Cooperative and Luka.
Q: How does it feel to be a successful independent creator in the roleplaying game industry?
A: I feel really lucky. I’m very fortunate I can do this as a job, and I’m really glad people enjoy my work. I want to keep improving and making better content.
Q: Is there any advice you could give to other independent creators that would like to crowdsource their own projects?
A: Yes there is so much different advice that maybe I should write a blog post. I think I would need a flow chart for different kinds of projects too. But one thing I would mention is if you have procrastination problems like me, than their is a great community of creators on discord and other platforms – and you can find other creators to be accountability partners with for your project. These mutual creator relationships have really helped encourage me a lot.
Q: I heard from a birdy that Woodfall might be getting an updated release, what information can you give us on that?
A: Yes I plan on making a remastered version, similar to what Cavegirl did with the Stygian Libary – except adding additional content that I could never fit with the page count limitations before. I will probably also release printed maps with this second version.
Q: Are you currently working on a new project?
A: Yes I am working on a new project – its another setting. Its going to be an offset printed book which is more focused on procedural content than Woodfall was. I don’t think I can say anything else now, as their is still some key themes I’m uncertain about and I don’t want to paint myself into a corner.
Q: How can people keep up with your latest projects?
A: You can find me on Instagram and twitter, but I also have an email list were I announce new projects here:
Q: Finally, is there anything else you would like to mention?
A: Its been really amazing to have so many people tell me what they liked and disliked about Woodfall over the years. I love hearing about peoples campaigns, and if you have any feed back to give me about this setting, please do reach out to me. I will be making a re-mastered version and I want to take into consideration all feedback to make the best possible updated version! My email and Instagram handle are in the back of the book/PDF Thanks so much L.F. OSR for being interested enough Woodfall to review it and interview me.

Woodfall is a tightly packed and easy to use setting that engages players in multiple ways to help bring a sense of cunning liveliness to nearly any pre-existing fantasy campaign. Be sure to pick up Woodfall if you’re looking for something unique to plug into your sessions!
Purchase Woodfall here:
You can sign up for Lazy Litch’s mailing list here:
Follow Lazy Litch on Twitter & Instagram here:
Lastly, big thanks to Lazy Litch for spending the time to answer our questions! We here at L.F. OSR look forward to seeing more content from original creators such as yourself.